Being a homeowner has many joys, but also many challenges, so peace of mind that your home is secure and well maintained can be hard to find. Water damage from leaks at home is an issue that affects 54% of homeowners at some time. And the typical bill for water damage can run into the thousands.
Whether you are away from home for long periods, perhaps own a second property that you use for holidays or to let out, or even if you are looking for greater peace of mind around your home, here is our guide to protecting your home against the costly nightmare of water leaks and water damage.

Switch off your water. Stop the danger of water damage before it starts. Before you leave your house for any length of time – a holiday or a weekend away for example – it’s sensible to switch off your water supply via the stop cock or stop valve. The stop valve is often situated under the sink, in the bathroom or, if you have an internal water meter, then it will be on the connected pipe.

Leave a set of keys with a neighbour. If you do experience a water leak while you are away then you need to take action fast to prevent water damage taking hold. Having a neighbour with access to the house to switch the water off for you will greatly limit the water damage done

Don’t run water consuming devices when you are not at home. In our busy lives it can be tempting to press run on the dishwasher or washing machine as we dash out of the door. But limiting use of these appliances to when you are at home means that you can identify and deal with any leaks immediately.

Consider investing in a water security system. For total reassurance, no matter how far from home you are, an intelligent water security system will be an asset to your home. Systems like the GROHE Sense and GROHE Sense Guard can detect leaks in your pipes at a much earlier stage than the naked eye, send you an alert to let you know, no matter where in the world you are, and even shut off the supply remotely to stop leaks and water damage in their tracks.
Learn more about GROHE Sense water security system